Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Palm Springs

Palm Springs is my favorite destination for a quick getaway and will hopefully be the location of my future vacation home. But until I'm making the big Benjamins it will remain a happy place where I party with my people, stalk celebrity homes and eat until my movement is impaired. This past Saturday my girls and I went to visit the honeymoon hideaway of Elvis Presley. We unknowingly arrived right as a tour was about to begin and would have joined if it didn't cost 30 BUCKS! Feeling irritated we pulled out our cell phones and took ourselves on a self guided tour of 20 or so homes. We may or may out have violated a trespassing law or two or three but enjoyed every minute of it.
1. Elvis Presley's honeymoon hideaway 2. Marilyn Moreno's house-since it is someone's permanent residence they've grown their plants to block out people like us 3. Robot house 4. My friends seeking an innocent peek in Frank Sinatra's back yard 5. Elizabeth Taylor's court yard 6. Liberace's house.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

I'm Older

As a teen I would often wonder about about my future self and what my life might be like. Unlike most women, I never feared or despised the inevitable increase in one's age (Ask me that again in 10 years and my answer may change). Year after year I've happily blown out my candles and wished for each new experience, chapter and adventure. Now that my 25th year of life as come to an end my only wish is that I continue to progress. This coming year is going to be huge for me and the direction I take with beginning a career.

Wish me luck!

Thursday, August 22, 2013


Growing up all I ever wanted to do was paint, play dress-up and merchandise my belongings. I would beg my parent's to buy me vases, picture frames, feather pens and wall art that were completely odd, mismatching or damn right undesirable. I'd spend hours revamping them and merchandising my bedroom till each new outcast found a complementing friend or a place to shine. Needless to say, this was the beginning of my life long battle with hoarding and the realization that I wanted to be in the fashion industry. I promised myself after taking out my first school loan that I'd one day attend/work/buy at the Magic Trade Show and work in the California Market Center.....and this weekend that dream came true.


Along with my pictures here are a few highlights:

Watching a million trillion runway shows

Catching a glance at Darryl MDC McDaniels and Whitney Port

Watching the owner of American Apparel make a fool of himself (wish I could share)

Getting into some awesome industry parties

Learning, learning and more learning

Attending seminars and mixtures

Watching Lil' Jon perform with my best friends (correction: almost). No one should be in Vegas for four days and not expect to not fall asleep standing up:)

.....and this is what I've been up to.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Man & Man

I received a letter in the mail from the city of Los Angeles stating they have not received our marriage license (lies and the lying liars who tell them) and it would be void as of 7/30/13. Shit, balls, fuck I nearly passed out and may have hit a innocent pillow or two. After a near fatal asthma attack and temper tantrum I began rambling incoherently and thumbing through my planner looking for a date where we could get remarried in the county clerks office if front of their bullet and dispute proof glass. 
Yesterday I got off work at one and rushed over with the hopes of quickly fixing my situation but of course was met by a line snaked around the building with no promise I'd make it to the front by closing. I felt completely defeated and called Matt proclaiming that the city had won and I wanted to return home. Over the next hour we called hotlines and hunted through several websites looking for assistant or any type of possible extension. After an hour Matt managed to speak with a live person who confirmed they received it and must have sent the letter out by accident!!! UGH. Right as I was about to exit the line I saw the man in front of me who had been quietly reading his Bible begin making conversation with the people around him. He began taking to two men that he clearly didn't know were gay and asked what they were there for. They proudly proclaimed that they wished to be married and finally had the right to. Without a skip of a beat the man with the bible offered them many blessings, advice and even asked which church they were getting married in. The men giggled a bit to each other and one began telling the other how much he hated the line but would gladly wait 3 hours after waiting three years. I quickly realized that though I had a right to be fuming over my situation that not till recent did all humans have the right to my headache. I smiled at them and walked away feeling a little disappointed in myself and how I had behaved over the situation.

Lesson of The Day: Somewhere there is always a person fighting a harder battle than you. Keep your eyes open to what you have and didn't have to fight for. I love Matt and would marry him a thousand times over and I'm thankful I've always had the right to.

I Can Now Die Grumpy


Social media has made it possible for the Average Joe or Average Feline to gain stardom by simply having a phone equipped with a camera. I will forever be in debt to the family who selflessly decided that their extra grumpy cat needed to be share with the world. Lucky for me my friend Sarah a.k.a Mrs. TMZ is a complete Pop-tart (def. girl obsessed with POP culture) and caught wind of a meet and greet opportunity. The two of us combated rush hour traffic, bad directions and dirty hippies to secure the golden ticket/wrist band that promised us an up close and personal with our favorite little meow meow. The anticapation turned us into giddy little girls hanging out in a sea of other geeks waiting for our big moment and it was purrrrfect.
Yes, this happened be jealous.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Eat Cake For Breakfast

This morning I woke up extra early to get a little joggy jog in and after walking around my home for 10 minutes with no direction my hunger GPS kicked in. All of a sudden I found direction, a cupcake and a comfy couch. I have a love for baked goods that no jog, carrot or celery stick can shake. I have always loved baking and eating:) and decided last night to finally put my new baking utensils and mixing bowls to use. Speaking of new I just ordered the above Lilly Pulitzer wine glasses (here) and Kate Spade plates (she gets me) (here) as a early birthday and encouragement gift to myself.
 Encouragement you ask? Well, regardless of how boring or old lady you might find me to be I'm hunting for the perfect baking and cake decorating courses to enroll in. I have interest in many things and current skills I'd life to further develop in the coming months.

Here is my "Jessica get a life, find a hobby and shine bright like a diamond goal list":

Join a running group, I can run 3.5 miles straight with out 
stopping or having an asthma attack and I'd like to make it 6

Make someone a baller ass cake from scratch and apply frosting and decorative flowers like a boss 

Pick up a brush and complete a painting, I use to love to paint

Start a small garden and ensure a long life expectancy
aka don't kill it

We all have less "cool" things we'd like to do and at least I'm getting started. Happy Tuesday.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

These are The Days of our Lives!

My old blog is dead and lying somewhere a hundred leagues under the sea. I am no longer a girl who is in need of familiarizing herself with her surroundings. Over the past 2 years of living in Los Angeles I've planted some mighty roots, become a wifey, welcomed a second cat child into the family, and have been hazed by the 10 freeway (damn you) only to find out it is a life long abuser. I'm an unapologetic, blunt, occasionally loud, and oft crazed woman, yet also caring and sweet. I guess I'm the type of dame who will always prefer her diet Coke with a little whisky and because of that I've casted my old blog to the darkest depths of the sea. I want to write random shit whenever about whatever, and not feel like I'm following a rubric or format.

So for a current update... I'm interning in the fashion District in Downtown LA, chowing down on street dogs and throwing back cocktails as I push myself threw 7 day work weeks! I don't want to wish away the summer but September will some normalcy back into my life.

Nice to meet you this is the real me.